Ok i may be nuts or outta my mind, or you can say I'm crazy. =)
I have hereby decided that i wanna perm ma hair.=))))))
=.= ok that was sickenin.
Anyways, whether u like it or not, im permin it.
Btw Yesterday had MT MYE~! ^^
I think I just flunked my own grades WAHAHAHAHAAAAA >8D
Tdae had english.
O mi gosh I think I did better in eng than MT!!!
uh well.
went ta 7-eleven(its a stall and more =]) and couldnt decide what ta buy.
Returned home, feelin a bit bored.
Watched TV for 4hrs @_@
then straight away jumped to me computer X)
I bet that explains why I'm myopic XO ......
I think me eye degrees had gone deeper. *shocks*
Labels: BD Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.............0.0lll